Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is guiding the creation of the Strategic Development Plan. The committee is made up of a range of individuals, including representation from private business owners, property owners, Cortland County Planning staff, a Cortland County Legislator, and local community group members. See below for a list of Steering Committee members and their affiliations.

Melanie Vilardi, Deputy County Administrator, Cortland County

Trisha Hiemstra, Planning Director, Cortland County

Beau Harbin, County Legislator, Cortland County

Amy Buggs, Workforce Development Director, Cortland County

Brendan O’Bryan, Executive Director, Cortland County Business Development Corporation, and Industrial Development Agency

Michelle Enright, Executive Director, Cortland County Convention & Visitors Bureau

Bob Haight, President/CEO, Cortland Area Chamber of Commerce

The responsibilities of the Steering Committee include:

  • Provide input and advice on the plan’s process, documentation, existing conditions, technical studies, and potential opportunities for growth.

  • Collect ideas and input from the public as well as key stakeholders and experts.

  • Keep the public informed and engaged throughout the plan’s process.

The Steering Committee holds regular meetings to plan public outreach events and develop the plan’s vision, goals, and opportunities. See below for the Steering Committee meeting dates, agendas, and minutes.